I have small hands, even for a woman, and my husband has big hands, even for a guy. I have always manned up and used my husband's gargantuan drill with the big huge battery hanging off the bottom to hang all of my household decorations (because sometimes, even though he means well, he just doesn't do it right) and I like to paint because color is always better than white.
I had a party, sort of like the tupperware thing but we made a hobo golf game that I got to keep and my kids play all of the time. Jen Guzel and Emma Taylor came out and showed me and my lady friends, who also do most of the stuff around their houses, how to use several of the tools and we built the game right there on the spot. If you want to find them for an awesome tool party and make a hobo golf game or a recycling sorter for your garage, email Jen at www.tomboytools.info/utahjen or Emma Taylor at www.tomboytools.info/emmataylor. They love to do this!
I also have lost four more pounds off of my badonkadonk! Down to 171 and holding steady for now. I have really taken to the elliptical in my livng room and that seems to be a good way for me to get a workout every day no matter how crazy. My husband has also lost fifteen pounds working out and watching what he eats. Yeah for us!!! Slow and steady--that's the way to go!